Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Controversy Over Clothes?

When I was growing up, I never had to worry about clothes being too inappropriate for school, and I didn't have to worry too much about being fashionable either. Growing up in the 90's, everyone basically had the same sense of style, and for the most part at my school, nobody really cared about what kind of clothes you wore. Everyone wore similar wind-pants and track suits, jeans, sneakers, the basics. And because of this style of clothing, nobody wore things that were inappropriate or revealing. Once middle school and high school hit, the shorts started getting shorter and the tops started getting more low cut. However, somehow the clothing being worn was still tasteful and appropriate. Was that due to the strict clothes policy we had at my school? Or was it because of the personal decisions the students made to dress nicely and appropriately? I am not sure of the answer, however these days students seem to leave their house wearing practically nothing, with no consequences.

I personally believe that schools should have very strict dress codes and should be enforcing them everyday. I have seen many kids walking out of high schools recently wearing baggy jeans revealing their underwear, short shorts, low cut tops, etc. While the dress code doesn't have to be over the top, I still believe their should be some sort of rules enforced.

Dress codes, or more specifically, uniforms can help reduce the potential for conflict and harm by:

1. Reducing conflict from other students, example: students attacking or poking fun of another student for who is wearing the better clothes, etc.

2. Reducing the way in which a gang can be spotted or ways they can identify themselves, which can cause fear and terror in the other students.

3. If students are not allowed to wear jewelry and have a strict uniform, it can reduce their risk of being robbed or having expensive items stolen.

4. Reduces bullying and other forms of harassment, including sexual harassment.

5. Uniforms can help faculty identify non-students, visitors, trespassers, etc.

6. Uniforms or a strict dress code can help unify a school and make students feel like they are in a more comfortable, judgement free environment.

Overall, uniforms do seem to  be the best option, however if you don't feel like having a set uniform, strict dress codes can work too. I believe that all schools should enforce some rules and make sure that their school environment is a safe and happy place to learn.

These pictures are examples of 2 extremes at schools. On the top is of female students who are inappropriately dressed. On the bottom are students wearing uniforms, which can be done and is a good option, however most students prefer to have a freedom and creativity and dress in their own clothes.

Source: http://blog.sfgate.com/sfmoms/2012/08/23/10-most-talked-about-school-dress-code-controversies/#6980-1

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