Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Inclusion in the School Systems

If I were to think of one topic discussed in the reading this week that is the most controversial, it would definitely be the idea of inclusion. Inclusion is a word that describes the commitment to educate and teach each specific child, no matter what circumstance, in the school or environment that the student attends. Inclusion also involves "bringing the support services to the child, rather than moving the child to the services and requires only that the child will benefit from being in the class, rather than having to keep up with the other students."

I believe that there are many ways in which a student with disabilities can receive the inclusive help that they require. Schools should set up tudor programs in which a student is able to be given the special attention they need in order to keep up with the lessons and learning material in their classes. Another solution could be something like having an aide that would follow the student around to make sure they can focus and stay on task. When I was in middle school there was a student who had a few different learning disabilities. Our school made sure he was set up with a teacher aide who followed him from class to class, helping him understand the lessons we were learning and helping him complete the assignments. It was really good for this student because he was able to stay on task and buckle down with his work. If this student was not given the extra help he needed, he probably would have fallen behind and failed out of his classes.

A lot of people believe that there should just be separate programs for students with disabilities so that they can learn things separately from the other students. While this can be a good method of doing things, so that the students with disabilities don't feel badly about themselves if they can't learn at the same pace as everyone else, it can also be disheartening. Inclusion helps this because by have inclusive programs and setting up ways for the students to be included, they can feel normal and won't feel out of place. It can help boost their confidence as well.

Overall, I believe that inclusive education is a good thing and I am glad that it is offered in schools nation wide. Students should all be treated equally, regardless of their social, emotional, physical and intellectual characteristics or differences. Services should be offered in all schools around the world for students with disabilities, because they shouldn't be held back by any physical or mental issue they may have.

I felt this image was appropriate because it shows that students from different backgrounds and students with disabilities, etc can all be included and should all be treated fairly and equally.

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